March 2009 Archives
Fri Mar 27 21:22:49 CET 2009
2 years of the Czech POINT project!
Yay! 2 years ago, the first Czech
POINT was officially opened
Too long ago to rememeber. Thanks goes to AK for reminding me.
2 years of my life. It started as a wild idea to help Czech people, to
bring authorities closer to them. Now there are 3528 places with Czech
POINTs, 1400000+ produced listings. You can see the logo of the
project on many postal offices, many municipal offices. You can even
see some billboards with the light blue logo!

Sat Mar 7 18:52:27 CET 2009
Issue number 100000
JFYI: Just before the release of 3.1, issue
number #i100000#
was filed into OOo's IssueZilla.