April 2004 Archives
April 30, 2004 11:06 AM
Czech Republic entering European Union
Today is the last day when Czech Republic is outside the EU. We are entering the EU tomorrow!
-----April 29, 2004 1:36 PM
Gtk support now compiles on the build system
I have installed gtk2-devel
and pkgconfig
packages on the build machine
and Gtk vcl plugin now compiles. It is really bad practice to expect pkgconfig to be available and
not check it (see #i26463# for
more details).
And, BTW - there is almost no difference between Gtk and Native look in SRC680_m36.
-----April 28, 2004 11:48 PM
Build of SRC680_m36 finished
I have just finished building of the tag SRC680_m36 on GNU/Linux.
Issues in this build include #i26463# and #i26851#.
The first one is about including GTK files and the second one is known build issue in
The devel branch of my build system is now updated to this tag and you can find patches for those issues in it (vcl-disable-gtk and cupsmgr).
And of course: modules print_header
and gtk
are missing, so please do
not ask about them ;-)
April 23, 2004 6:26 PM
cws_srx645_ooo112fix1 is now officially closed
As Sander wrote on releases: cws_srx645_ooo112fix1 is now closed and in hard freeze!
Just a side note: yes, Sander is in Germany. How else could he enter sharp-S on English keyboard? ;-)
-----April 23, 2004 1:21 PM
build-5 is on FTP, upgrading GNU/Linux build system
build-5 is now being mirrored to the server ftp.linux.cz (BTW - it is running on Opteron now).
The other interesting news is that I'm going to upgrade also our GNU/Linux build server today. The old system was based on SuSE Linux 8.0, the new system will be SuSE Linux 9.0. This is not the latest (my own system is now on 9.1), but new enough ;-)
-----April 22, 2004 7:15 AM
Windows build broken at the moment
I can't provide Windows builds at the moment, because #i28086#. I think it will be fixed today, so builds will be ready for testing during the weekend.
-----April 21, 2004 6:19 AM
Build-4 is now being mirrored to ftp.linux.cz
I have just started uploading build-4 to the ftp.linux.cz. Please test languages, that were merged last days.
-----April 20, 2004 6:53 PM
South African languages merged in cws_srx645_ooo112fix1
As subject says, I have merged three South African languages (Afrikaans, Sepedi and Zulu) to cws_srx645_ooo112fix1.
Both Lithuanian (#i27528#) and Basque (#i27939#) are now targeted to 1.1.3 because patches are not ready to be merged to 1.1.2.
-----April 20, 2004 1:07 AM
Welsh is now merged in for 1.1.2
I have just finished merging of Welsh language (#i24041#) to OpenOffice.org 1.1.2. Builds are now being produced. Welsh people were really active in the past (many updates to GSI, testing etc.) so the merge was without problems.
In the meantime, patches for South African languages (#i24170#) are now updated to be merged tomorrow.
I had a quick look at Lithuanian patches (#i27528#) but the patches are not yet completely ready for merge (thus postponed to 1.1.3). But I have started to add support for Lithuanian to my build system to bring it up-to-date and complete faster.
The remaining language is Basque (#i27939#) that I left for tomorrow too (but it seems to be well prepared).
Well, it is 1:20 so I really have to go sleep now.
-----April 15, 2004 9:29 PM
ftp.linux.cz will be migrated to x86_64 on Friday
Our central FTP server (ftp.linux.cz) will be unavailable tomorrow (Friday, CEST) because it will be upgraded to new system/platform.
We apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.
-----April 14, 2004 11:10 PM
Just upgraded to SUSE Linux 9.1
I have spent almost the whole day by upgrading my notebook (DELL Latitude X200) to SUSE Linux 9.1. The upgrade went very well and everything is now working again with 2.6 based kernel.
I've changed several things in how I use the system with the upgrade from 2.4 to 2.6 kernel. Because I almost exclusively use X, I decided to go xdm way to get rid of the waiting for X to come up after boot. 2.6 kernel also handles extra keys on the notebook very well. This simple command:
setkeycodes e001 112will define key with scancode 0xe001 as key with keycode 112 and it is very easy to define other keys. With 2.4 kernel, I need to patch the kernel to get that small 'i' key to lock my screen ;-)
Next days will show how successful I was ;-)
Many thanks go to local SuSE CR offices, because they were able to send me CDs via messenger so I could upgrade just when my new harddrive arrived.
-----April 13, 2004 11:14 PM
MIDP with J2SE/J2SE?
Would you like to use your J2ME applications with J2SE or J2EE or provide demo version of your MIDlets on the web?
There is an interesting project MIDP-EMU that allows you to create an applet or standalone version of your J2ME applications.
-----April 12, 2004 11:08 PM
Czech translations updated
I have updated Czech translations to be up-to-date with upcoming OpenOffice.org 1.1.2. The same will be done by other teams as well.
I hope to finish the first complete localized builds on Mac OS X server without manual tweaking tomorrow.
-----April 11, 2004 12:52 AM
More localize fixing
Bugs in localize
made me angry again thus I set down and extracted patch
which removes DOS line endings from files touched by localize
and also fixed another annoying
bug. localize
when extracting strings put the date and time at the end of every line of GSI
file. The date was in the format 20040411, but the time in the format of 1:1:7. This
patch fixes it (01:01:07).
So the only localize
bug remain - merging new languages in the bad places. This bug is in two places
(we use this patch
to fix this issue for our set of supported languages).
April 10, 2004 9:58 PM
More work on supported languages
I did several updates to the table of all supported languages, extracted all GSI files from current sources (cws_srx645_ooo112fix1) and worked on making our FixLocalizeBugs.sh work also on Microsoft Windows 2003.
-----April 09, 2004 11:05 PM
Table of all supported languages with other info
I prepared the table of all supported languages. Please have a look at it and report mistakes/new informations to me.
-----April 09, 2004 12:14 AM
1.1.2 RC1 build
The first build from ooo112fix1 is now being mirrored to ftp.linux.cz. The only available system right now is GNU/Linux.
Please check mainly FontOOo Wizard and report issues to IZ.
BTW - my MacOS X build is still running (with cold ccache) ;-)
-----April 08, 2004 10:48 PM
Upgrading Windows system/compiler
Today, we have upgraded our Windows build machine to shiny new Intel P4 with HT, 800 FSB, 1GB RAM, SATA WD Raptor 36G disk (10000 rpm). But this is not everything. We have also replaced old MS VC6 compiler with .NET 2002 and upgraded our build system to it.
We are curios how this affects the time needed for complete builds.
New compiler allows us to "fix" #i21646# and also start building devel branches on Windows.
Many thanks to our sponsors (who paid for the machine) and especially to Josef Cacek and Radim Peša from Institute of Computer Science (Masaryk University Brno, my alma mater) who managed the whole administrative/technical burden of this process and let me work on things I like to/I know.
-----April 08, 2004 1:52 PM
Změny v dozorčí radě České pošty, s.p. (Czech)
Dnešní Hospodářské noviny v článku "Mlynář vyměnil předsedu dozorčí rady České pošty": Ministr informatiky Vladimír Mlynář odvolal z dozorčí rady České pošty svého bývalého náměstka Jaromíra Šišku... Tato změna souvisí s připravovanou transformací státního podniku na akciovou společnost.
-----April 07, 2004 9:22 PM
Build system updated to cws_srx645_ooo112fix1
I spent a lot of time on upgrading our build system to cws_srx645_ooo112fix1.
I have received ssh access to new toy:
Darwin blueshark.local 7.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.3.0: Fri Mar 5 14:22:55 PST 2004 root:xnu/xnu-517.3.15.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpcand it works quite well (read slow like hell, but compiles). Only minor corrections are needed to get it compile using our build system (ccache works great here too!). I hope the first installation sets will be ready at the beginning of the next week.
I wonder how is it possible that all systems have different implementations of awk so that I have to fix my script FixLocalizeErrors.sh for every new system. This time it was line endings issue :-(
I have also extracted and applied patch from #i24082# to fix issue reported by Czech users to our builds so this issue should be fixed in the next build.
-----April 06, 2004 10:38 PM
cws_srx645_ooo112fix1 opened
CVS branch cws_srx645_ooo112fix1 is now opened for fixes targeted to OpenOffice.org 1.1.2 release. My plan mainly includes merging Welsh and South African languages, but there are many issues targeted to 1.1.2 now - see IZ.
As always you can track the changes using Bonsai.
I have also filed "dead link" issue (#i27515#) which is really annoying especially with automounter.
-----April 04, 2004 10:45 PM
Kerning with and without patch from #i23684#
The following screenshot was taken from final Czech build of 1.1.1:

April 04, 2004 4:40 PM
Builds with pair kerning patches
I have created build-23 of our OpenOffice.org build system that contains patch from #i23684# and thus can do pair kerning even for Type 1 fonts.
I'd like to ask you for testing the patch. Builds for Microsoft Windows are now available and GNU/Linux builds are being mirrored now (even German and English builds).
-----April 03, 2004 11:08 PM
Type 1 font kerning patch available
Philipp Lohmann fixed issue #i23684#. Font kerning for Type 1 fonts now works again! Please test this patch thoroughly so we can integrate it for 1.1.2 instead of the set target 1.1.3.