November 11, 2005 6:32 AM

SRC680_m139 is ready

The milestone SRC680_m139 is ready. The only problem I found during building on GNU/Linux is #i57713#. Build in module instsetoo_native is trying to build SDK installer, but module sdk_oo is not a prerequisite of any other module, thus the file is missing:
ERROR: File not found:
Workaround is simply, just build module sdk_oo and then module instsetoo_native again.

Wrong lines in GSI files:
   323 GSI_da.sdf.err
    23 GSI_el.sdf.err
    11 GSI_km.sdf.err
    84 GSI_mk.sdf.err
All error files uploaded.

I have also extended my script for downloading GSI files. It is now checking the correctness of used ISO code. Several issues revealed. Both Serbian files use ISO code sr and Nepali GSI contained only en-US lines for several strings. -----

Posted by Pavel | Permanent link | File under: