May 2005 Archives
May 30, 2005 7:34 AM
SRC680_m106 is ready
Hamburg RE created the milestone SRC680_m106 with
child workspace integrated
(and several master fixes). No texts changes.
May 22, 2005 11:20 AM
SRC680_m105 is ready
SRC680_m105 is ready with the following child workspaces integrated:
, icontool08
, impress56
, letterwizardlang
, lo7
, sch09
and so8onemore
May 18, 2005 8:38 PM
SRC680_m104 is ready
Child Workspaces integrated:
, configure10
, crlinkfix
, dr39
, impress55
, lo5
, nativefixer7
, nativefixer8
, sj20
, tbe22
and unxlngppc01
May 17, 2005 9:38 PM
Exploring iSCSI
I spent a day studying iSCSI technology. Here are my notes.
iSCSI is Internet Small Computer System Interface ("Internet SCSI"), an IP-based storage networking standard for linking data storage facilities, developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force. It is defined in RFC 3720.
General information about iSCSI can be found at:
My main goal is GNU/Linux, where it is very interesting. There are implementations for both Initiator ("client") as well as Target ("server").
iSCSI Target implementation was started by ArdisTech for Linux kernel 2.4 and lately forked to now preferred implementation The Enterprise iSCSI Target Project. iSCSI Initiator implementation is available at
Interesting technology with several issues ;-) -----
iSCSI is Internet Small Computer System Interface ("Internet SCSI"), an IP-based storage networking standard for linking data storage facilities, developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force. It is defined in RFC 3720.
General information about iSCSI can be found at:
- - contains links to various articles about iSCSI
- A Quick Guide to iSCSI on Linux - very good introductory material. Start with this one if you want to know more about iSCSI on GNU/Linux.
- How iSCSI Works from ArdisTech
- iSCSI Review
- iSCSI SAN - GNU/Linux Target, Windows as Initiator
My main goal is GNU/Linux, where it is very interesting. There are implementations for both Initiator ("client") as well as Target ("server").
iSCSI Target implementation was started by ArdisTech for Linux kernel 2.4 and lately forked to now preferred implementation The Enterprise iSCSI Target Project. iSCSI Initiator implementation is available at
Interesting technology with several issues ;-) -----
May 14, 2005 6:24 PM
NSIS instalers
Sun developers (Martin H. and Ingo S.) integrated NSIS support into the build process
for Windows. I have added support into my build system as well and thus Build-1
of SRC680_m103 is now available in both NSIS and old packaging format.
I have built all language install sets and all language packs using NSIS installer and during some testing with other language teams (thanks Ain) and Windows developers (Volker), we have identified several issues:
I have built all language install sets and all language packs using NSIS installer and during some testing with other language teams (thanks Ain) and Windows developers (Volker), we have identified several issues:
- #i48740#: NSIS: images on wrong positions. The best way to describe this issue is to point you to the first or the second screenshot of the installer image
- #i48741#: NSIS: wrong encoding of text. In the Czech NSIS installer, strings have wrong encoding (see screenshot).
- #i49274#: Add Estonian to NSIS. NSIS installer has its own set of localizations available, and we have to map e.g. cs (as used in build process) to Czech (used by NSIS). This is done in the file in the source. The Estonian mapping was not there. This can be the case for other languages as well. If you do not have your localization in NSIS, you'll probably see parts of the installer in English.
- #i49230#: Build NSIS installation set if NSIS tools are found by configure. There are still some fixes needed to the build infrastructure.
May 12, 2005 8:40 PM
SRC680_m103 is ready
The milestone SRC680_m103 is now ready with the following child workspaces integrated:
, duplobj1
, hc680stoppers2
, impress54
, l10nfix
, rvojta02
, swqbugfixes31
, unxlngs02
and vq15
May 10, 2005 9:06 PM
Wonderfull weekend below Kriváň [SK]

The sceneries of Tatras were impressive. This one was taken by my wife staying above the Východná near Liptovský Mikuláš.
I have also met with Branislav Klocok, lead of Slovak Native-Lang team, just a few moments before the game Czech Republic-Slovakia of the IIHF World Championship started. -----
May 10, 2005 5:22 PM
SRC680_m102 is ready
The milestone SRC680_m102 is now ready with these child workspaces integrated:
, crashrep8
, dba20a
, fwk13
, icuopt
, jimmac03
, mmeeks06
, presfixes06
, scimfix
and sj18
May 05, 2005 7:14 AM
SRC680_m101 is ready
Child workspaces integrated:
, cmcfixes4
, fr8fix2
, pj27
, presfixes05
, rvojta01
, savewrap1
and tl11
May 04, 2005 8:53 AM
SRX645_m54 is also ready
Release Engineering team was very active yesterday, so we now also have SRX645_m54 from stable
branch ready for your builds. Integrated child workspaces:
, os50
, sb30
, trcurrency
, vclppbugs10
and vclppbugs8
May 04, 2005 8:30 AM
SRC680_m100 is now ready
The milestone with number 100 (SRC680_m100) is now ready. Integrated child
This is the last milestone I'll upload builds for before my long weekend leave for Slovakia. I'll continue with building milestones after my return on Tuesday or Wednesday. -----
, impress52
and mh1997
This is the last milestone I'll upload builds for before my long weekend leave for Slovakia. I'll continue with building milestones after my return on Tuesday or Wednesday. -----