SRC680_m63 builds
My builds of SRC680_m63 for GNU/Linux and Solaris/SPARC are finished now and uploaded to
Known issues and l10n issues:
- #i37887#: Help shows no
content. My next build (build-2, SRC680_m63) will contain change that should workaround it, but
there still is issue with helpcontent pages (will be finally fixed in m64).
- #i37360#: Extended tips
are in English even for Czech language pack.
- #i37122#: bad encoding of
(c) character.
- #i35263# simplify
readlicense_oo/prj/d.lst. There is a list of all languages duplicated
- #i35265# and
#i32386# are about using
second naming scheme for language dependent files. One naming scheme based on ISO code is
- #i36315#: gsicheck errors
on all GSI files generated from SRC680_m59.
- #i37105#: Generate
during the build.
is another file where
you need to add several lines for a new language. It is not necessary, IMO. It can be generated,
at least.