November 02, 2004 8:04 PM

SRC680_m60 is ready!

Hamburg RE team is very productive. They produced next milestone on the developer branch - SRC680_m60, which integrates the following child workspaces: dbwizard1, configure2, impress20ea, dclocking, os39, pdf02, writerperfect01, valgrind02, dzongkha, os36, gccvisibilityfix, rodarvus01 and withlang.

The last child workspace mentioned (withlang) brings builder visible change to the configure. Starting from m60, you can specify the language you want to support in the following form:
where LANGUAGES can be in one of the following forms:
  • ALL - if you want to build all languages supported in the source code (have a look at solenv/inc/
  • "en-US cs" - to build only English (US) and Czech version
  • "ALL xy" - if you want to build all languages and also want to build language xy which is not supported in the source.
You do not have to specify en-US, because this is automatically added by build system. English (US) is also always build as the first language because it is supposed to build out of the box.

Update: do not forget to checkout new modules libwpd and writerperfect. -----

Posted by Pavel | Permanent link | File under: